How to Hire a Subcontractor ?
Are you planning on hiring a subcontractor, but don’t know the necessary steps? Knowing the required steps could alleviate the risk of reworks, delays, quality and safety issues. As long as you are aware of the right things that matter when hiring a subcontractor, you’re covered. Take a look at some of the things you should keep in mind when hiring a subcontractor. #Strong Credentials Know the subs’ history! Ask the worker to provide you with a report on their credentials, experience, expertise, and team. Examine if they have had lawsuits or disputes. Also, check their undergoing and future projects. If the subcontractor’s history matches your expectations and the projects’ demands, then you can go ahead with the hiring process. #They Should be Licensed If there is a requirement to have a license in your state for a subcontractor, then you should definitely ask for one. Your clients can repudiate to pay someone who is not licensed, a risk we don’t think you’re willing to pay...